
Why Hello There 2016!

Welcome 2016! I hope you bring awesome experiences with you! Every year I write down New Years Resolutions and I never follow through with them, so this year I am going to be different and not set any expectations for this year.  What I have been doing for the last couple of months is learning to live in the moment, with more experiences...

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The Art of… Finishing Products!

There is an art to finishing products. I know alot of girls are like me. They see a new foundation, or their friends recommend a new face cream or you see amazing blog reviews online and decide you just have to buy whatever-product-has-been-reviewed… and then unknowingly you abandon your existing products and move on to your new ones. I have been consciously trying...

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My Snowboarding Trip - 3 Essential Skincare Products for the Snow!

Hello everyone! I have just returned from an epic snowboarding weekend  trip and am currently recovering from an equally impressive cold (by impressive I mean - shitty long snotty cold). My bf and I have been talking about snowboarding for more than 10 months now, we thought about it, scheduled it and talked about it - but we never got the chance to...

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5 Saving Tips to Build Wealth in your 20s

I am not sure how many of my readers know, but I have been working in the finance industry for nearly 5 years now, from having no idea how a debit card worked or how a chequed looked like, I now pride myself on my ability to understand finance and save. It use to be so easy to spend all my wages, I...

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Maison Tsumiki; Haircut Date.

I finally have my weekends back now! For those of you out there who have also finished their exams - hooray, we made it! With my weekends back now I decided it was time to fix up my gross and dry hair that is full of split ends! My bestie Jess suggested a hair cut date at  Maison Tsumiki, located in Emporium. I...

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